Working Together for Better Solutions
What Is the System of Care County Leadership & Management Team (CLMT)?
The CLMT plays the lead role in making System of Care successful in Lycoming-Clinton County. It is comprised of 25% youth partners, 25% family partners, and 50% system and community partners who work as equals. System partners represent the child-serving systems including, but not limited to, mental health/behavioral health, child welfare, and juvenile court and probation. The CLMT develops and makes recommendations for implementing the System of Care strategic plan based on our System of Care values. The CLMT utilizes information, training, and data to inform our decisions regarding policies, regulations, and recommendations, and we provide oversight and evaluation of the System of Care.
Who Can Become a Family or Youth Partner on the CLMT?
Any family or youth member who has the following lived experiences can apply to be a member of the County Leadership and Management Team.
A family member is defined as a person who has or has had direct experience and the primary responsibility for raising a child or children with behavioral health issues and/or experience with child welfare or juvenile justice.
A youth member is defined as a person aged 5-21 who has direct experience accessing services and supports in the behavioral health system, child welfare, and/or juvenile justice.
How Do Youth & Family Partners Become Members of the CLMT?
If you are interested in becoming a youth or family partner on the County Leadership and Management Team, please fill out an application and send it to:
Cleveland Way, Program Director
33 W. 3rd Street, 4th Floor
Williamsport, PA 17701
You may also express your interest to any CLMT member or contact us for additional information and to receive an application. Applications will be reviewed by the SOC Program Director and the CLMT leadership. They will evaluate each applicant based on pre-determined criteria and make a recommendation to the wider CLMT, who will vote on the applicant. All information contained in the application is kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside the CLMT.
You may then be contacted to schedule a time to meet with the accepted youth and family partners. They will answer any questions, provide an orientation to SOC and the CLMT, and discuss the role and expectations of youth, family, and system partners.
What Are the Expectations for Youth & Family Partners on the CLMT?
Youth and family partners on the CLMT should strive to contribute their voice and expertise and provide feedback to the team, other youth and family partners, and the coordinator. All youth and family partners are encouraged to ask for support and additional training when needed.
Members of the CLMT are expected to read and respond to e-mails outside of meetings and read any relevant materials to contribute to CLMT discussions. Members are asked to take responsibility for action items identified at the CLMT meetings. Members are also expected to:
• Attend most CLMT meetings.
• Partner with the system and community partners to improve services and supports to youth and families.
• Be champions for System of Care within their communities and organizations.
• Help recruit other youth and family leaders to become involved in System of Care.
How Are Youth & Family Partners Oriented, Trained, & Supported on the CLMT?
In addition to this in-person orientation, new members are encouraged to further orient themselves by exploring the Lycoming-Clinton System of Care. Youth and family partners are also encouraged to attend relevant and available training.
Youth and Family Partners are required to obtain Background Clearances before joining the County Leadership and Management Team.
Effective January 1, 2015, revisions to a Pennsylvania child protection law requires volunteers (any adults serving in unpaid positions) who are individually responsible for the welfare of a child or children, or who will have direct contact with a child or children, to have background clearances. We will process the background clearances, free of charge, for Youth and Family Partners selected for the CLMT, and this must be done before new members can formally join the CLMT.
Youth and family partners are chosen for the County Leadership and Management Team and meet with the SOC Program Director or a CLMT chair who:
• Provides history and the philosophy of System of Care.
• Reviews our vision and mission
• Explains the core SOC Values on which our work is based.
• Provides a contact list for all CLMT members.
• Provides updates on the current work of the CLMT.
• Provides any relevant paperwork (e.g., stipend information and IRS 1099 form, timesheet, expense form).
Join the System of Care CLMT Today!
Are you passionate about advocating for the emotional well-being of children and youth and have experience working with individuals at risk for severe emotional disturbances? If so, we invite you to join our County Leadership and Management Team for the System of Care for children, birth to 21, who are at risk for or experiencing severe emotional disturbances (SED). Our committee plays a vital role in shaping and improving the services and support systems available to needy children and youth.
If you’re interested in making a difference in the lives of children and youth with severe emotional disturbances, we encourage you to apply to join the System of Care County Leadership and Management Team. We’re actively seeking members who are passionate about creating positive change and improving outcomes for community youngsters with severe emotional disturbances.